I lost my card - Contact your library and they will be happy to update your account with a new card. See our list of libraries for their contact information.
My card expired - Contact your library or fill out our Account Update form to enter your current information.
I need a library card - Don't have a library card?
I want to delete my library account - Please email support@sailsinc.org, or contact your library, and we'll be happy to help.
How come I haven’t received any email notices? The problem could be they are seen as SPAM. There are a number of things you can do to prevent this and get your email notices. >> Please view the instructions on changing/updating your email settings, based on your email provider.
What kind of notices can I receive from the Network?
July 10th, we'll turn on the new eCard registration form. This is being LSTA funded through the MBLC for eight of the MA networks; CLAMS, CW/MARS, MVLC, MBLN, MLN, NOBLE, OCLN, and SAILS. We've been allowing patrons to register for online cards for several years now, however we never had control over who was registering. Now we do, with the Quipu service. We've contracted with them to provide a basic user lookup, based on street address and last name. They will also check our system for duplicate cards. Much of the patron record will be updated automatically, and if the patron wants to come into the library to get a permanent card, other than their profile, the card will be properly filled out. Here are the basic rules for how this will work. Thank you to the circulation policy committee for helping fine-tune the process.
Who should be eligible to sign up for an eCard through SAILS?
Massachusetts residents only:
This is a change from the current online card signup form, which allows anyone to register for a card.
Out-of-state residents who work and go to school in a SAILS community also will be ineligible. SAILS libraries have different policies on how to handle these patrons.
Age requirements:
Must be 13 or older to register
Teens between the ages of 13-15 must supply a parent email address. A notification saying the new card was created, will be sent to this address.
Ages 16 and up will get a standard eCard registration with no parental notification.
What Profile Will Patrons Get? How will we manage physical lending for these accounts?
For verified online registrants in a SAILS community:
SAILSOU (SAILS Online User) profile
Allow five holds and checkouts (checkouts only circ for one day)
One year expiration
For verified online registrants outside of SAILS, but in MA:
MASSOU (MASS Online User) profile
Allow five holds and checkouts (checkouts only circ for one day)
One year expiration
Different profile gives the library flexibility for preventing access to some online resources if desired.
For provisional cards where the address is not verified:
OUREG (Online User Registration) profile
Allow five holds and checkouts (checkouts only circ for one day)
Three week expiration
The barcode prefix will match the library’s current prefix, but will start with a ‘5’ instead of a ‘2.’
This will also make it easy for libraries to determine if they want to authorize an online card for local online content or not.
When patrons visit the library, they will need to follow a similar process to what is done today to upgrade their card to a three-year card that borrows materials.
Which library will be assigned to each online patron?
SAILS will continue to allow patrons to select a library.
What data will be populated in the record for an online user?
All name data we currently collect, with the option of adding a preferred name and checking a box to use that preferred name in all communications.
The address that will be used for verification purposes will need to be entered as Address 1 and it must be in Massachusetts.
Email address (required), phone number, cell phone number (separate from phone number and used if the patron wants SMS notifications.)
Date of birth - this will also be used for determining the user category 1.
User category 2 will be based on the entered town/city of the address.
NOHISTORY or ALLCHARGES - do you want to keep a history of the items you check out?
Preferred notification method - depending on this selection, they will be required to enter a cell phone or regular phone.
What data will not be populated in the record for an online user?
Preferred language - only a few libraries have requested that this info be maintained.
User groups
Address 2
Parent information in a ℅ field - only five libraries responding to the survey responded that they collect this information.
Newsletter opt-in - varying policies among libraries. Even those who request this info from patrons don’t store it in Workflows.
Duplicate checking
Duplicate checking will be done by rejecting an account where there is an existing record matching the last name and date of birth. There are some edge cases where registrations will fail (e.g. twins), but, in Quipu’s experience, adding a first name to duplicate checking results in too many duplicate records being created.
Retaining patron information in eCard system?
Quipu stores 30 days of accepted and rejected registrations. This could be useful for troubleshooting.
Based on survey results. Brazilian Portuguese ranked high, but, after discussing the results with the Board, we agreed that it is close enough to European Portuguese to support just one Portuguese form. This makes room for both Russian and Hindi, which received an equal number of votes.
Any library can set its own loan policies and fine rates for materials loaned from their library.
Libraries may choose when to set items to Lost and how they want to bill the patron, however, libraries must comply with network policies regarding payment for lost books belonging to another library. Libraries are required to honor blocked or barred status on all patrons.
Patrons may pay for any fines for overdue items at any member library. The library collecting the fine may keep the fine.
Lost items payments may be made at the library where the item was borrowed, though the item's owning library records the payment when it is received.
Patrons who want to clear their record immediately may use the Credit Card payment option in Enterprise. This will clear the patron’s record immediately
Your library card
Public library patrons may register for a card at any SAILS public library.
Public library cards may be renewed at any public library.
Barcodes and/or cards may be replaced at any public library.
Policy – Out of State Borrowers
Libraries may choose whether or not to issue library cards to out-of-state borrowers.
Cards are only good for 12 months
The network shall establish a minimum annual fee for a card for out-of-state borrowers. The minimum fee is charged per family.
Any borrower that purchases an out of state card at the network minimum shall have access to all the network resources.
Cards purchased below the network minimum are only valid at the library that issues the card.
Libraries may choose to issue in-state cards to out-of-state residents who work in the Massachusetts or attend school in Massachusetts.
Registering for a library card Policy for physical cards are set by individual libraries.
Libby can be downloaded on most any device from the device’s app store. Additionally, you can access Libby from your web browser by visiting this site: https://libbyapp.com/library/sails.
Overdrive is the older version of this software. Overdrive gives you access to the same titles you would find in Libby; however, it is no longer available as an app. You can access Overdrive from your web browser by visiting this site: https://sails.overdrive.com/.
What is a Partner Library? Partner Libraries are Massachusetts library networks that have agreed to share access to their digital collections with each other. This means you can borrow ebooks and audiobooks from any Partner Library with your SAILS library card.
How do I set up Partner Libraries? Setting up a Partner Library is easy. The process is different depending on whether you are using Libby or Overdrive.
What Partner Libraries are available in Massachusetts? Boston Public Library CLAMS Library Network CW MARS Merrimack Valley Library Consortium Minuteman Library Network NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange Old Colony Library Network (OCLN)
Adding Partner Libraries in Libby
Your SAILS Library Network card allows you to borrow from other libraries across the state with Libby’s “Partner Libraries” feature. Click on the “Menu” icon to get started.
Scroll down on the heading “Your Libraries” until you see the option to “Add Library.” Click on that.
Libby will present you with a search box. From here, use the list below to search for and add partner libraries.
PARTNER LIBRARIES IN MASSACHUSETTS Boston Public Library CLAMS Library Network CW MARS Merrimack Valley Library Consortium Minuteman Library Network NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange Old Colony Library Network (OCLN)
You can see in this screenshot that we typed in CW, and Libby pulled up the CW Mars Consortium. We’ll go ahead and select this by clicking on it.
Libby will give us two additional options: “Sign In With My Card” and “I Would Like A Card.” Select “Sign In With My Card.”
Libby will then ask us where we typically use our library card (i.e. our home library). Scroll down under “Partner Libraries” and select SAILS Library Network.
Put in your library card number and click on “Next.” Libby will ask you for your PIN in order to verify your account.
Once you’ve done that, Libby will make you a special library card with your SAILS Library Network barcode that you can use at your newly added partner library. Clicking on the three dots will allow you to rename or remove your card.
To get back to the SAILS Library Network catalog (or to select a different partner library catalog), you’ll need to click on the “Menu” to go back to your account screen.
Libby places a star next to the card that’s currently active, meaning that this is the library catalog you’re currently browsing. Any searches you do will default to this library.
If you want to manage your card at a partner library in any way, you’ll need to make sure the partner library is selected as active (i.e. has a star next to it) and then click on “Manage Cards.”
Partner Libraries on Overdrive
Overdrive users do not have to add partner libraries to their account. Instead, you can simply select a partner library from the drop down at the top of the screen.
Selecting a partner library will take you to that library’s Overdrive page, where you will be prompted to sign in with your library card. Choose SAILS Library Network from the drop down.
Searching & Placing Holds at Partner Libraries
You can place holds on a partner library’s items with your SAILS card. How to do this depends on whether you are in Libby or Overdrive.
In Libby
By default, Libby only allows you to search one library’s catalog at a time. If you want to search ALL catalogs that you have access to, you’ll have to conduct what’s called a deep search.
Click on the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen to search.
Since Libby didn’t pull up the exact title searched for, it does not exist in this particular library’s catalog. You can do a deep search to search ALL partner library catalogs (as long as you’ve added them in Libby).
You can do a deep search in one of two ways. The first is to scroll down to the bottom of your results list and select the icon that says “deep search.”
You can also get to deep searching by selecting the icon at the top of the results screen, which allows you to set filters and select deep searching.
Choose your filters to narrow down your list. When you’re done select the button at the top to show all available titles.
Once you’ve located the item, you can place a hold or view the wait times at all libraries that own this item. To do this, click on the little library card icon to the right.
In Overdrive
Overdrive does not allow you to perform a “deep search” (searching all partner libraries catalogs at one time) like you can do in Libby. So, you will need to search each library’s catalog one at a time to view title availability.
Select the Partner Library you wish to search from the drop down at the top. If you check out materials or place holds at a partner library in Overdrive, you will not be able to see those items under your account in SAILS.
Instead, you will need to select the partner library where you have the item checked out or placed the hold, sign in with your SAILS card, and then visit your account to see the item(s).
Getting Started with Overdrive / Libby
Overdrive can only be accessed through your web browser: https://sails.overdrive.com/ Navigate to the website, sign in with your library card, and browse hundreds of titles.
Libby can be accessed from any mobile device and through your web browser. Download Libby in your mobile device’s app store or navigate here: https://libbyapp.com/library/sails
Managing Your Library Card
OVERDRIVE Overdrive provides you with a range of options under “My Account.”
Loans and Holds will allow you to see anything you have checked out or on hold from SAILS Library Network.
Wish List allows you to build a list of content you’d eventually like to checkout.
Rated Titles gives you the option to review items you’ve read.
History will only feature your charge history if you check the box under Settings → General.
Settings allows you to set up default loan periods and change content and display preferences.
LIBBY You can navigate in Libby using the Navigation Bar.
The Menu is where you can manipulate your Libby settings. This is also where you can add Partner Libraries and manage your library card (see above).
Clicking on “Manage Cards” will take you to a screen where you can manipulate your library card.
Clicking on Library will allow you to browse a particular library’s catalog. Search will give you the option to search catalogs and filter. Shelf and Tags are discussed more below.
You can choose reading in your browser or reading on Kindle based on your preference. If you choose to read on your Kindle, you will not be able to return the book through Overdrive. Your Kindle will automatically return the book for you when your lending period is over, or you can login to your Kindle account and return your book manually.
Additionally, you can set Overdrive to only show ebooks that are able to be read on Kindle. Navigate to My Account → Settings. Under “Content Preferences,” click the box next to Kindle Preference.
IN LIBBY Under “Menu” scroll down and select “Read Books With…”
Libby will prompt you with the option to switch between reading on Kindle or reading in the Libby app. You can also select “I Have No Preference” if you’d rather switch between both.
Loan Checkout Periods
SAILS Library Network offers 7-day, 14-day, and 21-day loan periods for ebooks and audiobooks. You can set your default preferred lending period in settings. (NOTE: Default lending period only applies to SAILS Library Network content. If you borrow from a partner library - see above- you may be restricted to different loan periods.)
While these are default settings, some material in the SAILS catalog may have set lending periods that cannot be changed.
In Overdrive, navigate to My Account → Settings. Under “General,” select your preferred lending period for each type of content.
IN LIBBY You have the ability to select your loan period when you borrow an item.
Click on the time period next to “Borrowing for…” to be presented with more loan period options. Libby will default to this setting the next time you checkout this particular item type at the library you’re borrowing from.
Understanding Your Shelf and Tags (Libby Only)
Libby combines your loans, holds, and notices from all libraries under the heading Shelf.
You can also see your borrowing history under Timeline.
The “Actions” button in the upper right corner will display different options depending on whether you are on Loans, Holds, Timeline, etc. For example, if you are under “Timeline,” clicking on the “Actions” button will give you the option to remove all of your history, export your history, disable Libby from recording your history, etc.
Tags can be used to set up wish lists, notification lists, and more. Use the “Actions” button at the top to create a new tag or learn more about this feature.
Frequently Asked Questions
I lost my card and got a new library card number. How do I change it in Overdrive / Libby?
Overdrive: Your new library card will automatically work when you login to Overdrive.
Libby: While your new library card will work just fine in Libby, the app will display your old library card number when you click on Manage Card under Settings. You can manually change it by clicking on the three dots and selecting Rename Card.
I forgot my password / PIN. How can I get it reset?
Do my checkout settings (loan period, etc.) apply to all loans across Libby and Overdrive?
Different libraries have different default loan settings, so you will need to set your preferences for each partner library network. Visit “Loan Checkout Period” (above) for more information.
I'm using Overdrive, but I want to switch to Libby. Will my information sync over?
Your loans, holds, and wish lists will transfer over to Libby once you sign in with your library card, but there is currently no option to export your reading history. If you are concerned about losing your reading history, please visit Overdrive Reading History and decide which option best suits your needs.
I used to have the Overdrive app but can no longer find it. What happened?
Overdrive discontinued support for its app in early 2023. Since then, users can only access Overdrive through their Internet browser.
Create a personal Novelist account for you or a generic one for your library.
Search for the titles you want and add them to a list.
Create a Pinterest Board& add a widget to your website, linking to Novelist. Yes, this is a bit cumbersome so if someone finds a simpler way, comment below!
From the email, right click on a book jacket and click on the pinterest icon to save the image to a board.
Say yes when prompted to view PIN
When you view the PIN, you'll see the option to edit it.
Go back to the email, right click on the title and select to copy link address.
Go back to edit the PIN and change the website to the one you just copied from the email.
View your board in pinterest
Click on the ellipsis (...) above the board title and choose to make a widget.
You'll be brought to a page where your widget is available to put on your website.
Create a Booksite ePage to post on your website
Go back to your list in Novelist.
View the source of the web page - right click and select to view source.
Search the page for the term, isbn. This will highlight all the places on the page that have the isbn for the selected titles.
Copy and paste these isbns into a new ePage in booksite and you'll have duplicate lists for people to view the titles first starting in our catalog or starting in Novelist.
Once the page is created, you can go to the ePage settings and generate the code for the "full list content display - (no skin)".
Take the code and copy and paste it into your website. You will need to edit the html. See here for an example of an ePage on this website.
URL: https://commonwealthcatalog.org Choose your library from the list to login
All libraries log in to the system using the username: ill staff (with space)
*If you need your password, please contact SAILS (support@sailsinc.org)
Staff Requesting on Behalf of a Patron
Log in as staff
Go to item record and click Request. Staff will be prompted to search for the desired patron.
Note: A patron must have logged to ComCat in at least once in order for them to appear in the patron selection list.
• Select a patron.
• The request form will appear with the patron’s information
• Click Submit to send the request.
When Staff request on behalf of a patron:
• The request is automatically approved and sent out, even if the patron’s account is set to require staff approval
• Staff can override the “Duplicate Request” message – submit more than one request for the same item
• Staff can override if the item is available in their local system