Commonwealth Catalog routing slip issue

We learned of a ComCat item from one of our libraries delivered to the CLAMS office because the slip had CLAMS as well as the library name.
Please remember to omit the network's name on the delivery slip as this delays delivery.
​Don't think of the ComCat processing as much different from the VirtCat processing. They all need the standard delivery slips as well as the "book strap"​ generated from the ComCat staff website.
I know we're starting to get more active with these requests - both lending and borrowing. Don't hesitate to ask us for answers if you have questions. Just email and someone will be more than happy to help. It's also good to let us know if something isn't happening as you think it should. There are still some quirks we're working out and trying to find best practices at the network level to manage some of the differences between the VirtCat and Comcat systems.