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Literary Criticism

For background on the subject, consult general encyclopedias such as Americana, Britannica, Colliers, World Book, etc. Look for articles on "Criticism." To locate materials in the Keeley Library, see the section on Finding Your Way Around the Library.

Internet Resources

Library Catalog

To locate items in the library catalog, search in iBistro. You may want to limit your search to search only the Keeley Library, instead of all of the SAILS libraries. The following subjects are just some suggestions for your search:

These are general terms. You add --History and Criticism to a topic such as Poetry, etc. to locate criticism for that genre. Ex. Poetry--History and Criticism. You add --Criticism and Interpretation to the name of an author to locate criticism on that author. Ex. Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968--History and Criticism.

The following are examples of subject headings for literature of various countries, genres, periods...

The following are examples of subject headings for other topics:

SAILS Databases

As members of SAILS, Durfee students and teachers can access journal and newspaper articles as well as online reference books, from the library's computers and from home. Simply go to the online catalog page, access the online catalog, and click on Online Resources button.

Selected Reference Books

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