Changes to Discard Procedures

We have received requests from time to time for a list of titles that have been discarded by a library.  Under our old procedures we often couldn't provide a full list because the system was removing discarded titles once a week with a few exceptions.
Starting July 1, 2018 we will be changing our process.  This will not affect how your staff members set items to discard.  Discarded items will be shadowed.  The only change is that titles will remain in the system until the following month.  You will receive a list of titles discarded in the previous month.  It will be your  responsibility to maintain a record of titles that have been discarded after you receive that list.  Those titles will be permanently removed the week after the list is generated.
This will allow you to track the actual titles being discarded without burdening the system with storing too many titles no longer in the system.
Please note if you have already requested that we not remove your discarded titles until you request it we will continue following those directions.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Deborah K. Conrad, Executive Director

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